Course Curriculum

A streamlined program designed for filmmakers and videographers aiming to boost their client base and sales. Learn effective strategies for pitching, client engagement, and project management. Includes practical tools like cold calling scripts, brainstorming techniques, and storyboarding essentials.

    1. About The Client Accelerator

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Cold Calling

    2. (PDF) Cold Calling Scripts

    3. Brainstorming

    4. Pitching a $40,000 Project

    5. The Pitch: Marshall University

    6. The Final Product: 30 Seconds

    7. The Final Product: 60 Seconds

    1. (Bonus) Tudor's Biscuit World

    2. (Bonus) Peoples Bank

    3. (Bonus) OnePlus

    4. Quick Question

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next...

    2. Templates

    3. More Resources For You

    4. Before you go...

About this course:

  • $20.00
  • 17 lessons
  • Get more clients!

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